- Klein Spitzkopje, Namibia
- Locality
- 4.0 x 3.0 x 2.5 cm
- Size
- #191203
- Collection
This Topaz specimen comes from Klein Spitzkopje, NAM in the size of 4.0 x 3.0 x 2.5 cm (inventory number #191203). The height of the main crystal is about 2 cm. The Topaz sits on a beautifully striated light brown Smoky Quartz which hosts a couple of small black Tourmaline crystals. A small chunk on the backside of the Topaz crystal is missing but it does not affect the display at all. A wonderful miniature (with label) from the collection of a late Hungarian geologist lady. It had some iron stain which has been removed - read about it here.